How can I change my life? Being successful is acheivable, these helpful habits will get you on the right path to big change in your life! How to change your life in 11 steps.

How can I Change my Life? 11 Things you can do Now to Change your World

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Being a creative spirit is hard. Sometimes we are over sensitive or depressed or just frustrated with the direction our life is going. 

Are you tired of just getting by?  Do you sit in a desk all day while your passion lays in being outside?  Are you tired of working for someone else when you know you could run a better show? Have you been asking yourself “how can I change my life?”

Changing your life sounds intimidating, but it is something that you can easily do if  stay with it and never let up, even when you are too tired, or when something shiny comes around.  Here are 11 ways that can change your life.

Related: How to be Successful

How can I change my life? Being successful is acheivable, these helpful habits will get you on the right path to big change in your life! How to change your life in 11 steps.

How can I change my life? How to Start:

Find your NorthStar.

How can I change my life? Being successful is acheivable, these helpful habits will get you on the right path to big change in your life! How to change your life in 11 steps.

Take a minute to sit down and really think about who you are and want you want.  Think about your passions and focus on what you what.   

More importantly, think about why you want it.  By doing this, you will gain a better understanding of what your guiding force is.  Why are you here? What do you believe?

Your why is a very powerful tool that will guide you on an epic adventure towards changing your life.  If your why is “I believe that every person can achieve creative freedom,” (mine) or “I firmly believe that the best way to be healthy is by working out” than you have a guideline for everything that you do.  How are you going to shift your life to align and agree with your why in all areas of your life?


To Change Your Life, You Have to Train.

Changing your life is a big deal. You are going to need to work on getting into the right mindset everyday. Your subconscious is going to want to grab you and put you back on auto pilot.  At first, it may seem like you are working hard, spinning your wheels, but if you keep working on things as they come up, your mindset muscle will be ready for bigger things in no time.


Here are some things that have helped me get into the zone for changing my life:

·        Listening to Self Help Audio Books in the car

·        Learning and reading as much as I can

·        Working out with loud, motivating music

·        Meditating

·        Being obsessive about making a change


Start with small steps.

Once you know what you want and why you want it, map out a path to get it.  Start with little daily tasks that will bring you closer to your goals. Once these small tasks become habits, add some more tasks to your routine and repeat.  See How to set goals.

Big changes happen through the repetition of daily tasks.  A person who is motivated to change the world for one day, will end up accomplishing nothing in the long run. Someone who does things consistently over time will change the world. It is only a matter of time.


Be Relentless.

Relentless is my word of the year this year.  Be relentless. Get an idea in your head and do it. Do not give up and do not take no for an answer.  By practicing relentlessness, you can add a resolve in yourself that can not be bashed down by anyone except yourself (and hopefully your relentlessness won’t even listen to that.)


Change your Perspective on the world

How can I change my life? Being successful is acheivable, these helpful habits will get you on the right path to big change in your life! How to change your life in 11 steps.

How you view your situation and the world will make a big difference in your life.  Do you view yourself as stuck? As inferior?  You need to pinpoint beliefs that are wrong or that may hinder your path. Once you find them, work to change them. 

There are a lot of books that go into to this. Since this is a battle with your subconscious, (which is a very tricky thing to beat) I would recommend reading them all!


Its not About the Battle, it’s About the War.

When you are going down a new path, it is easy to think about every new metric as a battle.  It is easy to get swept up comparing ourselves to others and where they are.  If we have our why guiding us, we do not have to worry about every little new thing and every little problem. 

As long as we show up, never give up and are always improving, we will win the war. Regardless of any lost battles.

Don’t Fear Failure.

How can I change my life? Being successful is acheivable, these helpful habits will get you on the right path to big change in your life! How to change your life in 11 steps.

Failure will happen when you are doing something new and getting set up on your life path. Do not give up when it happens.  Learn what needs to be learned and try again. If you keep trying, no matter how many times you fail, you will eventually succeed.

If you read about any successful person, there will be stories of failure.  Not just one story.  Stories. Failure is just something that happens to make us better. Think of it as a blessing and do not let it stop you.

Get out of your Comfort Zone.

If “easier said than done” applied to anything, this would be it.  Big things happen when you make changes. These changes will involve doing things that you have never done before. They will make you uncomfortable. Do them anyway.

Do uncomfortable things until they become your new comfort zone.  Then do it over and over again, forever and ever. This is the only way to grow.  So, the golden advice here would be to get comfortable being uncomfortable.

Read and Learn Something New Everyday

How can I change my life? Being successful is acheivable, these helpful habits will get you on the right path to big change in your life! How to change your life in 11 steps.

You don’t know what you don’t know. I can tell you there is sooooo much out there that I don’t know. To achieve great things, you should always keep an open mind and strive to know more about whatever you can. You never know when you will have that big breakthrough moment!

Develop a Routine to set a habit

This goes along with starting with small steps. A routine will allow you to plan out your day and accomplish what you need to do.  By repeating this routine day in and day out, it will become a habit. 

 Habits are hard to break and this productive schedule that you have created will allow you to achieve more and get on the path to changing your life.

Don’t be too nice

I am currently reading “Not Nice” by Aziz Gazipura. I would definitely agree that I fall into some of the nice guy pit falls that he talks about.

By being too nice, you put yourself on the path of living for other people instead of for yourself.  You need to limit your nice guy tendencies and look towards what will make you happy.  By doing this, you are doing yourself and the world a favor by being genuine.

Some “nice guy” things that you should look out for:

·        Sacrificing your happiness for a loved one

·        Not saying no and taking on too much

·        Feeling resentful

·        Being the caretaker of others

You do not need to sacrifice your life to make other people happy.  By doing this, you become fake and resentful and ultimately miserable. Instead, take care of yourself and don’t worry so much about others. They can manage their own feelings.


So, How can I change my Life? Some helpful Reading:

I hope these ideas will help you learn how to change your life.  If you are a creative person, then you owe it to yourself and the world to get out of your bubble and change the world with your ideas.  I want to help creatives make a life for themselves doing what they love. Another way to change your life would be to join our Facebook group here, so we can all learn from each other and find our motivation everyday.

If you would like a daily dose of butt kicking, consider signing up for our 7 day success journey.

How can I change my life? Being successful is acheivable, these helpful habits will get you on the right path to big change in your life! How to change your life in 11 steps.

How can I change my life? Being successful is acheivable, these helpful habits will get you on the right path to big change in your life! How to change your life in 11 steps. How can I change my life? Being successful is acheivable, these helpful habits will get you on the right path to big change in your life! How to change your life in 11 steps. How can I change my life? Being successful is acheivable, these helpful habits will get you on the right path to big change in your life! How to change your life in 11 steps. How can I change my life? Being successful is acheivable, these helpful habits will get you on the right path to big change in your life! How to change your life in 11 steps.

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