The Importance of Creativity: How to Bring Innovation into your Life

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It is said that being creative is a rare skill to master, especially as we age and become set in our ways. In a world of 7.53 billion people, the importance of creativity is now more important than ever.

Creative thinking is not only artistic talents and frivolous descriptive words. So just what is creativity exactly and why is it so important?

What Is Creativity?

Creativity and Innovation are everywhere. Why are they so important in our modern day world? The Importance of creativity is evident in all areas of life. Creative living is an important step in creating a happy and successful life.

Creativity is many things to many different people. It is used to describe artistic traits as well as out of the box thinking. The dictionary defines creativity as the use of the imagination or original ideas, especially in the production of an artistic work. Or simply the ability to create.

Creativity is a curiosity and a way of thinking that is open minded and malleable. It is asking questions and making discoveries about life and the world around you. In short, creativity is innovation.

Creativity is a basic trait of human existence. I would argue that it is the most important trait in what defines us as humans. We have been drawing on cave walls and asking the great questions since the beginning of time. It is because of creativity that we are able to live the luxurious lives that we have now.

We have come up with solutions for food, water, housing, trade, plumbing and have even made it so we have access to any information we may need at any moment with the invention of the internet, but who is creative?

Who is Creative?

Creativity and Innovation are everywhere. Why are they so important in our modern day world? The Importance of creativity is evident in all areas of life. Creative living is an important step in creating a happy and successful life.

Creativity is a misunderstood concept that gets thrown around a lot in our modern-day world. It is not only artists that are capable of creativity, but all people in all areas of life.

Artists absolutely can create their own worlds and portray their visions in an entertaining visual manner, but scientists, managers, engineers, children, moms, dads, teachers and basically any other human being is creative at his very core.

With the innovation of agriculture and making our lives easier, we have inadvertently stifled our creativity.

Modern Day Creativity

The modern human is forced to work various tedious jobs to support himself and his family. Corporations discourage new ideas and are attempting to create an almost robotic-like employee (so their brand remains consistent).

This results in people losing their creative edge. They no longer come up with innovative solutions or try to change the world with their remarkable innovations.

In today’s world, day to day interactions are scripted and key phrases are utilized when speaking with others. While the company’s brand may stay intact, the employ (and I would argue the customers) are left with unoriginal thoughts and less then inspired ideas. (Basically, you are left thinking what they want you to be thinking.)

The working world has changed society from crafters and artisans to people who just live paycheck to paycheck; their every move being controlled by outside forces.

The Importance of Creativity and Creative Thinking

Creativity and Innovation are everywhere. Why are they so important in our modern day world? The Importance of creativity is evident in all areas of life. Creative living is an important step in creating a happy and successful life.

Creativity is now more important than ever. In an age where people are more on autopilot than ever, it is critical to return to our curious and innovative nature. Creativity makes life magical.

If people are allowed to remain creative, just imagine what changes could be possible. In a broader sense, there would be more acceptance of the different and unusual and more innovation throughout all areas of life.

Creativity is both important to the world as a whole and to the individual as well. A person who identifies with being creative at times may feel like an alien in todays robotic world. People who have their own original ideas are rarely understood by the masses.

What Happens when you Can’t Create?

Stifled creativity can result in detrimental consequences. A person who has no outlet for her creativity or no way to express how she feels, could end up in a wide range of trouble. From self-medicating with alcohol to weight gain to full on addiction and suicide. If there is not a positive way to express creativity, it will come out in a negative manner.

Creativity is the basis of all things on Earth. In order to create a meaningful life, it a necessary to develop a creative mind. After all, your life is a result of your own actions. Creative actions will result in a creative and meaningful life. Creativity is one thing that will help you to become more successful!

How to be Creative:

1. Play

If you are a child, you will have no problem getting in touch with your creative roots. For adults who have been trained for years not to listen to their imaginations, this is a little more difficult to get back to.

While there are countless exercises designed to get the creative juices flowing, my advice would be to take a day and play.

Remember those childhood days when you could go from being a doctor to a villain to a horse? Take a day to go out and just imagine being something completely different. Go outside into nature and take a walk. Be filled with childlike wonder and pretend to be anything you want.

In your day to obligations, take things lightly. Make interacting with people into a game. Pretend you are Macgyver and think of creative solutions to everything.

If creativity were a person, it would walk around in joy and wonder all of the time. It would never take things to seriously. It would almost be like a prankster in that it would try new things with a light heart and no attachment to the outcome.

2. Create

Creativity and Innovation are everywhere. Why are they so important in our modern day world? The Importance of creativity is evident in all areas of life. Creative living is an important step in creating a happy and successful life.

Take up writing, music or drawing. Get your ideas onto paper. The simple act of just using your body to translate this invisible force inside of us will help you to sleep better at night.

Some ideas for creating:

Here is a list of things that you could do to create an outlet for creativity
• Draw
• Paint
• Play music
• Write
• Cook
• Design your wardrobe
• Style your hair
• Build something
• Redo furniture
• Day dream
• Read a book
• Listen to Music
• Exercise
• Garden
• Take a hike
• Play with your kids

This is by no means an all extensive list. There is no way I could cover all the things in a short amount of time and have you still here reading ?

Somethings to Stop Doing:

• Watching TV
• Social Media
• Negative Self Talk
• Overscheduling
• Always Saying Yes
• Working to the bone
• Anything Addictive with negative outcomes

Allot a certain amount of time to your creativity:

Creativity and Innovation are everywhere. Why are they so important in our modern day world? The Importance of creativity is evident in all areas of life. Creative living is an important step in creating a happy and successful life.

If you schedule time into your day for being creative, your life will change radically. Set aside time to dream and think of creative ideas for all areas of your life. Every hour, take 10 minutes to contemplate this.

By bringing creativity to the forefront of your mind, you will be inviting this fun force to be an active part of your life. With creativity as your friend, anything is possible!

By now, you can see that creativity is what sets us apart from the rest of the life here on the planet. Our ideas and imagination can do amazing things in both our global world and our own personal lives. By playing and having a light heart, we can activate some pretty amazing creative powers.

Creative thinking is behind every innovation and intervention that we have created. By giving yourself permission to dream and allowing yourself to create, your life will be propelled forward into a world of your own creation! Lets Create it!

Are you interested in becoming more successful? Sign up here for our 7 day success challenge! You won’t regret it! Also check out How to Set goals to get some steps into writing!

Creativity and Innovation are everywhere. Why are they so important in our modern day world? The Importance of creativity is evident in all areas of life. Creative living is an important step in creating a happy and successful life.

Creativity and Innovation are everywhere. Why are they so important in our modern day world? The Importance of creativity is evident in all areas of life. Creative living is an important step in creating a happy and successful life. Creativity and Innovation are everywhere. Why are they so important in our modern day world? The Importance of creativity is evident in all areas of life. Creative living is an important step in creating a happy and successful life. Creativity and Innovation are everywhere. Why are they so important in our modern day world? The Importance of creativity is evident in all areas of life. Creative living is an important step in creating a happy and successful life. Creativity and Innovation are everywhere. Why are they so important in our modern day world? The Importance of creativity is evident in all areas of life. Creative living is an important step in creating a happy and successful life. Creativity and Innovation are everywhere. Why are they so important in our modern day world? The Importance of creativity is evident in all areas of life. Creative living is an important step in creating a happy and successful life.

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