Welcome to Creator’s Atlas! I am Cassie and I am so happy you are here!  Creator’s Atlas was born out of feeling stuck and stifled as a creative, time and time again.  Finally, something clicked and now it is my mission to help other creative people find a way to freedom and success.

It is time to decide in your core that you are going to live your life on your terms.  The articles in these pages are designed to help you in every area of your life. They are here to inspire you.  They are here to lift you up to your inner protentional.

It is my dream to see a world in which people are not shamed and shut down for wanting something more. I want to see artists and creatives all over the world supporting each other and co-creating a new and magical universe.

There are so many ways that you can make your creativity your life path. Please don’t listen to the nay-sayers who are trying to keep you down. You are special and you deserve to have all of the success in the world.

Here is my guide on some of the traits that will help you acheive success.

Please subscribe to my newsletter for inspiration and don’t hesitate to contact me for anything!



If you think you are not creative, I would like to tell you right now that you are.  There is an inner spark somewhere inside you and that spark translates to creativity.  Even a passion for Algebra can lead to some amazing and creative changes in this world!