18 Ways to Raise Your Vibration and Get your Life Back
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Now that a new month is starting, I am excited and ready to get my head back in the creative game. Last month was a hard one. (You know the kind where everything bad happens) and I am ready to bring myself back, raise my vibration and begin my creative journey again.
Raising your vibration is a great way to bring yourself out of that mental funk that draws you in and encourages you to just watch TV and eat potato chips while shopping online.
It is something that is hard to describe but it is that sense of calm where you feel in control and connected to your higher self.
It is not always easy to get yourself out of the darkness when you are in it, but here are a few tips that will bring you some light and greatly raise your vibrations.
18 Ways to Raise your Vibration
1. Take an Epson Salt Bath
An Epson Salt bath will work wonders for so many things. Not only will it help with aches and pains, but it will greatly help to raise your vibration. Simply by putting a few cups of Epson salt into a hot (or warm) bath you are activating some amazing powers.
Epson salts are known to
- Ease stress and relax the body
- Ease muscle pain
- Eliminate Toxins from the body
- Make insulin more effective
- Helps with constipation
- Exfoliate skin
- Help with sleep
The benefits of Epson salts are so great that taking one regularly could be very beneficial to your body and soul. Try adding your favorite Essential oil to make the experience even more uplifting.

2. Drink Lots of Water
Water is so important for your basic health and well-being. Dehydration is no joke. Not only does it mess with your physical health, but it will deplete your spiritual and mental centers as well.
Drinking nice clean water will help to flush out toxins, increase energy and happiness.
If you have heard of the study by Dr. Emoto, then you know that water molecules change shape depending on the thoughts and emotions placed on them. Since we are 70% water, it would make sense to super charge your water with positivity.
Whatever you do, make sure you get enough and your positive feelings and vibrations will thank you.

3. Take a Tech Detox
There are many studies that show that technology leads to increased stress. If you are constantly checking your phone and you are not sure what it feels like to be without your handy companion, it is time for a break.
Technology and social media are constantly bombarding our brains. We use it so often and so many times a day that we feel lost without it.
A technology detox will help you to become more relaxed and more in tune with who you really are and what you are really thinking without the hundreds of messages being pushed through your brain every second.
If a detox scares you, start small by removing technology for a small portion of the day and work towards going bigger. Your brain will thank you for a few moments of peace in this chaotic, tech obsessed world.

4. Create and Say Affirmations
Affirmations can go a long way in helping you retrain your brain and focus on the important things. By repeating a phrase, you attract it and bring its likeness to you.
Some affirmations that will increase your vibration could be:
- I’ve accomplished many great things
- I always get what I need
- I have a lot to look forward to
- I am valuable
- My life is rewarding and meaningful
The key for affirmations to make a difference and work is for you to believe what you are saying. Also, by saying things in the present tense you are letting it be known that it is true for you.
Try repeating your favorite affirmation whenever you are driving or going to the bathroom. The more often, the better.
5. Have a One-Person Dance Party
By moving your body to your favorite music, you are sending a positive message to all parts of your being.
A quick dance party will make you instantly happier and more positive. You will also boost your heart rate and get the blood flowing and the juices moving.

6. Practice Gratefulness
There are so many things at any given time to be thankful for. Even if you have been having a bad month or a bad year, I guarantee that you can fill an entire sheet of paper up with things that you are thankful for.
By being conscious of the things that we are blessed with day in and day out, we will learn to appreciate and enjoy life more.
A journal for gratitude is a great place to write down all of the amazing things that have manifested into your life. By appreciating these things more, you will attract more amazing things and a new, higher frequency.
7. Watch Who you Hang out With
If you are like me, it is very easy to absorb other people’s problems and emotions and feel like they are your own.
Some ways to turn this around and increase your vibration are to eliminate the negative people from your daily interactions and to center yourself by breathing in the calm and exhaling the negative.
It is also useful to visualize yourself as shielded by protective white light. This will allow the negative to bounce back to its source.
By being mindful of the different types of energy around you, you can control your own energy better and raise yourself up to a new level.
8. Declutter
Isn’t it amazing how great you feel when your space is clean and organized? By eliminating the clutter around you that seeps away your energy and focus, you will feel an instant high vibe in both you and your surroundings.

9. Practice Meditation
There are so many benefits to meditation. By simply concentrating on your breathing and being still for 10 minutes a day, you will notice an immediate shift in your soul.
The more you practice this and let the thoughts just flow in and out while you are still, the more attuned you will feel with your higher consciousness and guiding force.
10. Practice Kindness
By respecting life and all of the different beings around you and by giving empathy and showing compassion, you are opening yourself up to a new level.
Simply by giving a smile or a kind word, you are not only making someone else’s day a little brighter, you are raising yourself up to a higher dimension.
11. Exercise to Raise your Vibration
If there is something that helps every aspect of your life, exercise is it. exercise helps with stress, anxiety, sleep and self-control. It will give you confidence and is responsible for helping you be more productive and create the life you want.
Exercise will raise your vibration by helping you to get out of your own mind and do something good for your body and soul.

12. Listen to Uplifting Music
How can something so simple be so powerful? Listening to songs that resonate with your soul can pull you out of any challenge and ramp you up to start taking what you deserve.
Music can get you through sad times, amp up your workout, and help you with a creative breakthrough.
There is no question that music will raise your vibration and bring out your best self.

13. Get out into Nature and Raise your Spirits
Nature is a powerful force that realigns you with the things in life that are truly important. Being back in the place that we all came from will really help to get you back on track with a fresh perspective.
Some of the benefits of being out in nature include:
- Reduced Anxiety
- Boosted Serotonin
- Better Sleep
- Increased vitamin D
- Fresh air
Another benefit of getting into nature is the amazing ground effect it has. Just by taking of your shoes and walking barefoot on the ground, you are balancing your energy and grounding yourself in nature.
So get out there, enjoy and raise those vibrations!

14. Create Something
Have you ever noticed that time seems to stop when you are in your element, creating and having fun? This uplifting action can raise your vibration in no time.
The most important thing to remember when following this rule is just to do it. When you are in a negative mood it is hard to get yourself going. If you just do it anyway, you will feel happiness seeping in and raising your vibes.
Related: The Importance of Creativity

15. Raise your Vibration: Learn to say No
If you are constantly living your life to please others and bend to their every whim, you will no doubt feel tired and bitter.
By learning to say no when something doesn’t appeal to you, you are saying that you value yourself and that your time is important.
This will in turn, raise your vibrations and your happiness.
16. Read and Listen to Inspiring Books
I am a self-improvement junkie. By listening to audio books on Audible and consistently trying to be better and learn new things, I feel more optimistic about everything in my life.
If the self-improvement genre is not your favorite, simply reading new things and keeping your mind open to learning, you will raise your vibration.
Related: Check out my favorite journals here
17. Experience New Things
There are just so many things in life. There will always be a new food to try, a new book to read and a new place to go. You can always meet someone new and do something you haven’t done before.
By keeping yourself open to new experiences and trying new things, you are raising your vibration and inviting the fun and adventure of life out to play.
18. Be Mindful of your Thoughts
Our thoughts shape everything about our realities. It is how we are feeling and thinking in the moment that will ultimately determine our outlook and future happiness.
By choosing to be positive and open, we will raise our consciousness and experience all there is to offer in a positive light. Sure, there will be bad days, but if we don’t give them power, they will not shape our realities or lower or vibrations.
I hope this list helps you to find a few ways to raise your vibrations so you can begin living your best life. If you are wanting to get started creating a life of freedom that you control, sign up for our seven-day mindset challenge. This free 7-day course will get you started in laying out the foundation for a successful life.
What are some ways that you have raised your vibration? We would love to hear your stories.